11/366 – Siblings and BFF

30haribercerita -2024-11/366-11012024 -30hb2024

As the topic from yesterday is related with today’s, so I decided to combine them into one section.

If there’s a question about best friend, what will come up to your mind? Someone who always be there for you in your ups and downs? Someone who understands you better than “friend” who knows you? Or mereley someone whom you can talk to and put your trust on them?

What about siblings then? Same blood relatives who share the same DNA from your mom and dad ,should have more meaningful thread than a best friend.

Uhm, let say this, your best friend might not be your sibling because you have different mom and dad, still they are your close relative who come to support you and do dumb idea together, be with you in ups and downs, share good memories and complete you missing piece of friendship. Siblings, on the other hand they are your best friend, no matter how often you argue with your siblings, you simply won’t be able to cut them off. No matter how far you are physically separated, there is a place we call home to come back.

So, you are very luck if you have a good relationship either with your BFF or siblings. Because, they mean a lot in your life.

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